Empowering people with endometriosis to a better life

Matilda is a friend, a digital platform, providing holistic care for people with confirmed or suspected endometriosis.

Track your endometriosis

Track symptoms and lifestyle habits to initiate change

Personalised Education

Symptom specific evidence based educational modules

Community of Endo Warriors

Optimise your symptoms, surrounded by your community

Group short-courses

Learn with peers, facilitated by a health professional

Are you tired of feeling alone in your struggles with endometriosis where nobody really understands what you're going through?

Chances are, if you are one of the 190 million individuals with endometriosis, you have encountered your fair share of these challenges too.
  • You do not know where to start.
  • You are overwhelmed by the complexities of endometriosis.
  • You want holistic care but do not know where to access it.
  • You are looking for evidence based information.
  • You struggle to track your symptoms and progress.
  • You feel isolated in your journey.
Holistic endometriosis care in your pocket.

What we do at Matilda

Transforming endometriosis care for the 190 million endo warriors world wide.

We know holistic care improves symptoms, Matilda makes it accessible for everyone.

Ensuring you are at the heart of your endometriosis care.

Harnessing science and collaboration to serve your needs.

Revolutionising endometriosis care to redefine your healthcare experience.

See how Matilda works.

“I just love seeing I’m not alone and having all the info I need in one place.”

28 year old Female

Tilly Tribe Member

Videos, exercises, quizzes were really great.

Perth Gynaecologist

Our Core Values


Care options for everyone, no matter your financial situation.


Care that is convenient, no matter your location.


Care that does not discriminate, no matter your identification.

"Imagine a world of unlimited possibilities, where the highest standard of endometriosis care brings renewed hope and vitality to people everywhere."

Welcome to Matilda.

Image of Joanna Morris, the co-founder of Matilda Health, and her dog.

Joanna Morris

Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Co-Founder and CEO